Zausmer Goes Casual for a Cause in Support of Community En Acción

On August 3, 2019, a tragic event occurred in El Paso, Texas, whereby 22 people lost their lives in a mass shooting.

Community En Acción, a non-profit organization of non-partisan Latino business leaders who live and work in El Paso, initiated a scholarship fund for the children of the victims who lost their lives.

Recently, the staff at Zausmer chose to dress Casual for a Cause and donate all monies raised to this scholarship fund.

Community En Acción strives to replace hate with love, and tragedy with triumph by focusing on developing a strong, productive next generation of leaders. Through this scholarship fund, they will be able to help the children who survived this tragedy further their education. We, at Zausmer, offer our deepest condolences to all who were affected by this tragic event.

To learn more about Community En Acción, click here:


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