Zausmer Supports Operation Good Cheer

Christmas can never come early enough, and Zausmer – led by legal assistant Halina Romanski – is once again teaming up with Child & Family Services of Michigan (CFSM) to make this year’s “Operation Good Cheer” campaign the best one ever.

Operation Good Cheer is an annual all-volunteer Christmas gift-giving program for abused and neglected children who are currently living in foster placement facilities in Michigan. CFSM creates a profile about each child that includes personal information such as age, clothing size, and reason for placement, as well as a small wish list of items he or she would like to receive. Some kids shoot high and ask for a bike, camera or mp3 player, but others  ask for warm clothes and other essentials. Each year, with the help of sponsors from all across the state of Michigan, Operation Good Cheer “adopts” 5,000 or more children who would might not otherwise have any presents to open on Christmas morning.

Every summer Zausmer gears up early for this campaign. Our attorneys and staff – along with our clients and vendors – sign up to sponsor as many children as we can for the holiday season. Each sponsor then purchases, wraps, and labels gifts that the kids will receive during the holidays. The firm has participated in this heartwarming effort for the last six years, and in 2014 the Zausmer family sponsored more than 90 children!

Zausmer is currently making its list and checking it twice, and we hope to break last year’s record… stay tuned!


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